Good Teachers Leads to Great Students

When a great teacher and a good student unites, surprising results follow, and under ideal situations, incredible transformations of the personality take place. The demand made today on the modern teacher is to transform education and thus aid in the process of developing human nature. The three instruments provided to the teacher for this purpose are guidance, example, and leadership.

A great teacher makes use of guidance by words. They allow the inner power of their knowledge to radiate through actions rather than through words.

The second and more significant tool at the hands of the teacher is an example. The example expected from the teacher is not merely their visible behavior, but the inner life, aims, and the honesty with which they pursue those plans. It’s argued that professional capability and the power of expression should be expected from teachers. But this claim overlooks the fact that the example set by the teacher’s inner and external life is automatically communicated to the students, whether expected or not.

Giving a great example is an essential part of the teacher’s job. The direct influence the teacher exercises upon their students has a strong impact on the life of students. Influence is the ability of contact and the proximity of the teacher’s behavior. A great teacher who is always enthusiastic about encouraging healthy and positive opinions and qualities is bound to have a salutary impact on students.

A great teacher is a constant learner. She not only refills her knowledge in the area of her specialization, but she also continues to enhance herself and aims to achieve essential realizations.

For students, the mantra of self-discipline is sincerity. It is the golden key to eternal learning. No student can continue to remain a good student unless he has an urge to grow his knowledge continuously and becomes a burning fire of reliability.

It is the responsibility of both the learner and the mentor to work together, even if it is remotely. It is your time, despite the circumstance, it isn’t coming back. Our motto is to utilize this time and continue progressing in our educational mission.

Hera Public School works on evolving a student through continuous guidance and instilling in them self-discipline. Thus, not letting the pandemic come in the way of achieving their goals.


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