
Showing posts from May, 2021

Stay Social at this time of Distancing

  “Social Distancing” that’s what we have been listening since 2020 when the lockdown started. Health experts and government officials have asked us to help battle the virus by keeping at least 6 feet away from others. Along with washing hands,  social distancing is one of the most important ways we can "flatten the curve" and slow the spread of COVID-19. For many people, keeping a distance from others can be really tough. For any extrovert, being social is as basic a need as food and sleep. But for someone who is introvert, a directive to stay away from others is a dream come true. Well we all love and need to contact with other people. Connections promote wellness. Human connection is essential for good health, especially when life presents situations that can increase anxiety. But we should know social distancing doesn't mean being alone. We will tell you how. Here are our top 5 tips for staying engaged and connecting with others to stay positive and healthy: ...

How children learn about inclusivity at Hera Public School

  Every child is God’s gift. He is unique in his own way. There’s no parameter that can label someone superior or other inferior because he has his own talent and a purpose to serve. So even if they are differently abled or gifted, all the children have to be treated equally. This knowledge is imparted to a child through Inclusive Education. Inclusive Education is nothing but an education imparted without discrimination of caste, creed, sex or physical status. All children study together including the differently abled children in the same class room. This policy is based on a belief that education is the birth right of every individual and nobody can be denied of this right. As per Right to Education act (RTE) in India, no school can reject admission to any child on any grounds of discrimination and children are not to be segregated or labelled at any point of time before or after admission.  Which means every class room has to be an inclusive class room, open to all type...

Does Music help you Study? Let’s bust your Myth

  Numerous people listen to music while studying and working as they think it increases concentration & focus. Others avoid music as it hampers their work. They don’t even like anyone whispering around if they are working. The arguable factors on which some people second Music while studying are: improves mood increases motivation improves memory and brain stimulation helps in better management of pain and fatigue After reading this, it seems a fair deal to listen to music while studying. But not everyone agrees to it. Hence let’s find out in this article what is the science behind “Does Music help you Study?” Pros of listening to music while studying Motivation Whenever you are stuck with large piles of exhausting homework, your commitment to continuing studying may have started to flag long before you finished. Perhaps you promised yourself a reward to get through the study session. But now it seems a tough task. Research sugges...

Strategy for tackling homework

  Homework has always been a monster for most kids. They never liked it and often felt overburdened by it. The day homework used to complete one felt confident and when it used to be incomplete, one tried hiding it behind excuses or even attempted to hid himself. Every homework can be made a fun activity if done systematically. If you are feeling overwhelmed with homework, use the tips below to set up a good homework strategy and bag the award of “Best Student”. Make a proper STUDY AREA Select one area of the house and create the “homework zone.” This area should be free from distractions like television, living area, etc., and should be ideal for working on projects and assignments. Have a proper table and chair to maintain the correct body posture and avoid studying on the bed or sofas. Separating homework from leisure time activities (like sitting in front of the TV) keeps your child focused on the task at hand, freeing up time later on once homework is done. Keep all the ...

Care Unit by Hera Public School

  Hera Public School has always been a pioneer in the society to bring positive reforms. And in this direction Hera Public School has decided to convert the school into a Covid Care Unit. As the cases are rising, medical healthcare services have started to collapse. Daily news report show that there is shortage of ICU beds, oxygen cylinders, oximeters, blood, plasma, vaccines and many other things.   Understanding the situation of Aligarh, Hera Public School has decided to provide all the basic Covid 19 healthcare facilities. They have allocated school area for hospital beds. The necessary healthcare workers would be appointed and adequate amount of medical equipment would be installed for the patients. Isolation centres would be made as per medical standards to ensure that Covid 19 doesn’t outbreak in the society.   This Covid Care Unit will be a boon for everyone in Aligarh especially for the impoverished. This Covid Care Unit will be open for all irrespective o...

Smart Classes: the necessity of today's classroom

  In 90’s classrooms were nothing but a combination of students, blackboards, teachers, chalk and duster. But in 2021, blackboard classes have transformed to ‘Smart Classes’. Smart Class is a classroom blended with technology enabling learning and teaching experiences. The smart class makes learning fun and interesting for the students and enables teachers to teach effectively. They are equipped with the latest technology such as visualizers, smart boards, laptops/computers, internet connectivity, projectors, amplifiers, speakers, podium, microphones and many more. Smart Class vs Traditional Class In traditional classes education is imparted using blackboard, textbooks, chalk and duster and teachers have to prepare for lessons in advance to teach. Students listen to these lectures and take down notes. Sometimes teachers have to take students outside the classroom to practically demonstrate any particular topic. If students have any doubts related to their subject, they have to ...

Education for all: Accessible & Affordable

  When Prime Minister announced lockdown in India, classrooms got constricted into 4*4 screen. This has led to problems for not just students but also for teachers because no one was prepared for such a transformation. The privileged students had access to resources like the Internet, smartphones and their own rooms, many others faced a lack of space, time and money to continue with their studies. With people having lost their jobs, paying school fees become a problem. The child too were unable to fully comprehend what was taught in online classes and the lack of physical activity led to a certain level of restlessness, anxiety and depression. This led us to go back in history and understand why it’s important to have an education system which is accessible and affordable. Despite our understanding of both the importance and power of educating young people around the world, countless hurdles remain in our way. To serve the needs of children around the world both today and in the ...