Stay Social at this time of Distancing
“Social Distancing” that’s what we have been listening since 2020 when the lockdown started. Health experts and government officials have asked us to help battle the virus by keeping at least 6 feet away from others. Along with washing hands, social distancing is one of the most important ways we can "flatten the curve" and slow the spread of COVID-19. For many people, keeping a distance from others can be really tough. For any extrovert, being social is as basic a need as food and sleep. But for someone who is introvert, a directive to stay away from others is a dream come true. Well we all love and need to contact with other people. Connections promote wellness. Human connection is essential for good health, especially when life presents situations that can increase anxiety. But we should know social distancing doesn't mean being alone. We will tell you how. Here are our top 5 tips for staying engaged and connecting with others to stay positive and healthy: ...