How children learn about inclusivity at Hera Public School


Every child is God’s gift. He is unique in his own way. There’s no parameter that can label someone superior or other inferior because he has his own talent and a purpose to serve. So even if they are differently abled or gifted, all the children have to be treated equally. This knowledge is imparted to a child through Inclusive Education.

Inclusive Education is nothing but an education imparted without discrimination of caste, creed, sex or physical status. All children study together including the differently abled children in the same class room. This policy is based on a belief that education is the birth right of every individual and nobody can be denied of this right.

As per Right to Education act (RTE) in India, no school can reject admission to any child on any grounds of discrimination and children are not to be segregated or labelled at any point of time before or after admission. Which means every class room has to be an inclusive class room, open to all types of learners and allow them to participate in different learning activities.

Benefits of Inclusive Education
• Children learn to respect their own individuality and value others as well.
• Students enhance their emotional quotient i.e. EQ with patience, tolerance and compassion for their colleagues.
• They learn to accept an individual with his strengths and weaknesses.
• A child gets to help his colleagues by which he understands the sense of satisfaction that comes out of giving is able to build lifelong friendships with them.
• India is a diverse country in terms of culture, religion and tradition hence inclusive school provides a platform for playing together, learning together, being together and growing together with diverse communities and acknowledging the fact that everyone is at par.
• Children learn team work and collaboration in inclusive schools.

What is special about Hera Public School?
• Infrastructure is planned and built in such a way that it accommodates all types of learners. For example; provision of elevators or ramps would be helpful to accommodate physically challenged children.
• Large class rooms and playground attached to school bring down issues of indiscipline as children can release their pent up emotions and interact with each other more.
• All the teachers are experienced and trained in various teaching disciplines to help different types of learners (oral, auditory, visual and kinesthetic) so that learning becomes meaningful and easy for every student in the class.
• Curriculum is designed in such a way that it caters to different styles and requirements of learning for their students.
• Complete faculty is sensitized to handle all the children with compassion by respecting individualities in children.
• Introduction of ‘Buddy System’ or ‘Peer Strategy’ in classrooms makes children responsible and helpful to each other and learning transaction becomes better.


Hera Public is open to all and welcomes all the students from different cultural and financial backgrounds. We allow and persuade even differently abled students to study together in same classroom. Because we believe concept of inclusion in education does not confine merely to classroom walls or school compound but it is about transforming attitude of children and adults towards their life in general. And this can only be learned via Inclusive Education.

One learns to acknowledge and accept the strengths and weaknesses of others and gets along with each other. This ability to adjust and adapt is a valuable trait needed in every individual to develop excellent interpersonal skills and live in harmony. Such an attitude fosters understanding and solves majority of relationship problems faced in today’s world. In this way children develop their emotional intelligence being at school.


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