Control Your Anger Before It’ Too Late
“We have to be angry with the right person to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purposes and in the right the way” ~ Aristotle Due to the well-known social norms and popular culture, anger is often related to aggression and violence and has attained a negative reputation as compared to other emotions like happiness, hope, and enthusiasm. But anger is totally natural and generally a healthy emotion. Anger is generated when we face obstacles that block our needs. It makes us ready to deal with the difficulties in our path by mobilizing resources and becoming attentive thereby removing the obstacles so that we can get whatever we want to be. Anger, good or bad solely depends upon whether we can control our anger or anger controls us. The truth is, there are plenty of instances when we have the right to be angry. The problem, however, arises when anger grows out of proportion. It is then that it hampers our decision-making ability and leads to serious compl...