Let’s Beat Examination Stress

We all have read in physics - stress is the force applied per unit area which means stress will be greater if a large amount of force is applied on a comparatively smaller surface. This is similar to mental stress. At some point in time, we all have witnessed stress in our life. In such situations, our mind fails thus, leading to mental stress.

For students, one such kind of stress is examination stress. Impressively, some students beat this actively by not only scoring better but also enjoy working in a stressful situation. However, a huge part of the student population fails to work in such situations, which leads them to hopelessness. Examination stress arises from worries. One presumes the harmful outcomes, which inevitably leads them to fear. Remember, fear is the principal cause of a stressful mind.

However, stress is not entirely a negative term. We all need it to make our days more productive. But consistent stress proves the contrary. Students being stressed can result in harmful effects on their lives. 

We at Hera Public School helps our student in a way that they don’t develop the fear of examination. Read below to know about the various ways we help our students –

  • We begin by analyzing each subject. A thorough estimation of what lies ahead includes everything from minor to major is the first step of planning.
  • We have arranged classes for each topic with the level of priority and with special remedial classes students are able to cope up with their examination.
  • We motivate our students regularly so that they don’t start underestimating themselves.
  • Between every class, we have planed equal breaks for the students so that they can refresh themselves and are not overburdened with studies.
  • PT, Yoga, and sports classes are also aligned for students to relax.

To know more about how we help our students, contact us on +91-840074838 or head to http://www.herapublicschool.org/contact/


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