Don’t Panic About Covid-19

A quiet and reasonable methodology is the best way to deal with the epidemic witnessed by the global world. There are a couple of things one needs to know about the spread of Coronavirus. Read below to find out about the precautionary measures that ought to be taken to stay away from the contamination. 

  1. Try not to contact yourself or your adored one's face, eyes, etc. 
  2. Wear a mask particularly if you are unwell
  3. Abstain from sharing food, cups, utensils, towels, and so forth. Devote separate towels for every the vidual from the family and save a different one for visitors.
  4. Always carry a handkerchief in a public place.
  5. Wash up when you enter inside and put on something else after each visit to a public spot.
  6. Watch for symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Stay indoors in the interest of your own health and the welfare of others.
  7. Drink a lot of liquids and remain hydrated as this will let the fluid wash the bacteria’s down. 

Safety Precautions are taken at Hera Public School –

  1. All children have been told to remain at home in the event of even minor fever or indications of flu
  2. Anti-bacterial hand wash is accessible in all washrooms. All kids are told to wash their hands appropriately, particularly before they eat.
  3. All surfaces are sanitized routinely. In any case, abstain from contacting handles and door handles however much as could reasonably be expected. Keep entryways open during day time to abstain from opening and shutting them over and over
  4. Students are permitted to convey face covers and hand sanitizers

Being self-aware and taking precautions are the only way to fight against the epidemic. Stay calm, stay safe, and stay positive. To know more about how we are maintaining precautions, contact us on +91-840074838 or head to


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