Develop the love of Quran in children’s heart

The Qur’an is the word of Allah. It’s an honor and blessing for every Muslim parent to eyewitness their child’s love for the Qur’an. Loving the Qur’an means the child feels the urge to recite ayat throughout the day, to understand what he’s reciting, and is attracted in everything related to the Qur’an.

Hera Public School not only offers students a place to learn subject matter but also develop students in a spiritual way such that they become better citizens. We provide our students with below tips to inculcate the love of Quran in their child’s heart –

  • Make Du’a (supplication)

To make du'a, you have to initially filter your goals and recall that everything great that you do or plan to do ought to consistently be for Allah. We remind our students about the significance of the Quran.

  • Listen to Quran often

It is significant for kids to be acquainted with the Qur'an as this would in the long run make it simple for them to peruse and even remember.

  • Try going to the meaning of aayat/ surah

Simply disclose to them enough to catch their consideration and interest. Your style of conveyance should be age proper to make it simple for your youngsters to comprehend and track.

  • Share stories of Quran

Every story accompanies an exercise and additionally a motivation. Sharing stories from the Qur'an assists kids with picturing the Qur'an somewhat more and expands their agreement.

  • Encourage them to share what they’ve learned.

Permit them to impart it to you. Additionally, make them agreeable enough to address you when you commit errors in your recitation. You need them to be of the best by encouraging what they have realized.


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