Co-curricular activities and learning go hand-in-hand


Co-curricular activities play an important role in an individual life especially students. It helps to enhance the learning process, stimulates creative thought, and builds personality, social, moral, and intellectual skills in students. These activities complement regular curriculum activities. Co-curricular activities include activities like reading newspaper, musical performances, dancing, singing, art shows, plays, participation in sports events, learning foreign languages, debates, participating in the quiz, robotics, engineering teams, and contests.

Nowadays pressure of academic excellence has made children lose interest in hobbies and other co-curricular activities. The entire focus of a child is primarily on scoring high grades to secure a child’s future professionally. Parents and educators are not encouraging the child to pursue their passions. Co-curricular activities are equally important that blossoms a child personality and inculcate real-world skills in them.

Reasons why the child should participate in co-curricular activities:

·         Boosts Self-confidence

A child’s lack of academic progress may lead to complex issues, behaviourally and psychologically. Co-curricular activities fuel your learning by stimulating creatives thoughts in a child’s area of interest. This helps to provide a better sense of confidence and create a feeling of self-assurance.

·         Enhances Intellectual Skills

Rote learning has left no place for developing thinking skills. Co-curricular activities enhance intellectual skills, critical thinking, social skills, encourage children to bring out their talent and give it wings in the right direction.

·         Better Academic Results

Research states that balanced co-curricular and academic activities help a child to achieve better results as co-curricular activities aids their mind to grow. When children are participating in co-curricular activities, they are provided with an opportunity to explore their talent, which gives them a wider sphere of career options to choose from.

·         Overall Personality Development

The overall personality development can only be made possible when we draw ideas from all the significant aspects of life. Co-curricular activities prepare a child to develop their skills and talent to compete in the real world.

·         Sense of Responsibility

A child must develop a sense of responsibility to be prepared for the future. Responsibility makes a child efficient in handling situations of life. Participation in different co-curricular activities will allow your child to work in groups and learn by practising.

To foster the overall personality of child academics and co-curricular activities go hand in hand to raise self-motivated and independent learners.


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