Top 5 things to do in your school before 2021 ends

 2021 is going to end is this is the time to reflect and look back and also prepare for the coming year so that we can achieve more than we did this year and be happier and healthier. It’s the time of excitement and joy! Before the Christmas holidays commence, let’s discuss top 5 things we all can do in our schools and end this year on a happy note! 

The countdown begins!!! Are you all excited?

1. Be a secret Santa and make someone smile

This year indeed has been the one with a lot of ups and downs, but we all managed to survive and here we are, happy and healthy! Its now time to give back and make someone smile. What do you think of the idea of becoming a Secret Santa? How about we help a needy by either donating or by helping them and making them smile? Doesn’t that sound like a great idea? Let’s get started with it as soon as possible, shall we?

2. Read your favorite books

We all have the list of books we had decided to read before this year ended, but somehow we haven’t been able to finish reading them. How about we start today, and finish reading the books in our bucket list. The schools can also arrange a book reading session where each student reads one book and summarises it in front of the class, that way the students can read a lot of books in a short period of time!

3. Gratitude

We are nearing towards the end of this year and its time to reflect on what we did this year and thank those who made this year special for us. How about writing a thank you note to all those people who made us smile this year and made 2021 amazing for us? Teachers, parents, our fellow peers etc. Who will you write your first thank you note to? 

4. Party 

Let’s host a party in our class by bringing the best food made in our homes to school and sharing them with everyone! Sharing is always fun and entertaining. We can also arrange events like talent shows, fun games, competitions etc.

5. Make a new year resolution

We all make new year resolutions but how about making a new year resolution for 2022, but with a slight change. How about planning how we are going to execute our goal and writing down steps to achieve those goals and also rewarding ourselves when we achieve each milestone that takes us one step closer to our goals.

Which one are you going to do first?

As a parent, we all are worried about our kids and their education and future, now worry less and enrol your kids in the best school in AzamgarhHera Public School. It is recognized to provide the best schooling in India to its students by focusing not only on academic development but also on spiritual, physical and mental development. 


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